Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Jesmond Dene

For any out-of-townies coming to Newcastle for class, then this is the kind of scenery you can expect (if you really go hunting):

This place is called Jesmond Dene, a veritable magical fairy-tale valley hidden underneath the noise and bustle of the busyworld. To view a bigger size click here

Saturday, 8 August 2009

House of Ashtanga goes LIVE!

I am pleased to announce the arrival of the official House of Ashtanga website!  We are now going LIVE!  Its been a while trying to get the website sorted, learning webdesign from scratch (for "Dummies"), much study, and many, many, many hours hunched up over a laptop staring at pixels, and photoshop, and BBEdit, and Firefox, and, and, and... gonna need some serious back-bending to fix all of that...

So, please check out the House of Ashtanga website.

Hope you enjoy.  There is also Facebook & Twitter (see links on the right of this page) and, er, this here Blogspot. 

Much love - dan